Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Background 24-28 - Five Works in Progress

I had set these ones aside to dry from Autumn Reflections I (see posts on 30 December 2014, 28 January 2015 and 26 February 2015) and I forgot about taking a photographs of them to post.

Background 24

The first canvas was painted with cadmium red, alizarin crimson and cadmium yellow.

Background 25

The second one was a mixture of French ultramarine blue and Titanium white.

Background 26

The third one was Titanium white French ultramarine blue, Cerulean blue and burnt sienna.

Background 27

The fourth one was of Titanium white, Cerulean blue and a small amount of burnt sienna.

Background 28

The final canvas was of Titanium white, French ultramarine blue and burnt sienna.

I will post each of these canvases as I decide what I will paint on them and have at least a sketch transferred onto them.